Minsk, Amuratorskaya st., 4
Booking service: +375 (17) 203-58-18
Exchange rates
  • 3.5401
  • 3.2645
  • 3.4194

Gift Certificate

Need a good present? Thus sauna deluxe “U Fontana” invites you to better health, to get perfect sense of humor and courage.

Sauna gift certificate for one session includes:

  • Possibility to attend sauna bath, Russian bath.
  • Wooden flavor and birchen switches are obligatory components of excellent rest.
  • Swimming pool – size 3ˣ5m/depth 1,4m, where you can cheer up after bathes and swim with pleasure forgetting your problems and worries.
  • Rest room with fireplace.
  • Standard session duration is 2,5 hours, but you can prolong it if necessary.
  • Certificate effective period is 2 months since it is bought.
  • Payment variants: cash, credit cards or bank transfer.

Your way of health improvement can be pleasant and comfortable, start it with relaxing rest at sauna “U Fontana”.

More detailed information:

Tel +375 17 203 14 00, +375 29 614 82 42, +375 17 203 14 74

e-mail: ufontana@bk.ru